ADDRESS: Parcel No. 16/1
CITY:San Estevan Registration Section
STATE:Orange Walk

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Parcel 16/1
San Estevan Registration Section
San Estevan Village
Orange Walk District

Tenure: Leasehold

Location: San Estevan Village
San Estevan Registration Section

Land Area: 1,039.00 Sq.M. (1,242.64 Sq.Yds.)

Structures on land: There is a concrete bungalow house on the lot that accommodates a small front porch,three bedrooms,one bathroom, a kitchen ,living and dinning room. Attached immediately behind the building is an uneclosed shed, on the west side of the residential building is a detached building used as a small grocery shop

Additional Features: The concrete bungalow house has dimensions of 25 feet by 34 feet inclusive of front porche 4 feet by 12.5 feet.

The boundary along the street has a masonary block fence.